Monday, October 18, 2010
Piercing On Head and Ear 2010
It's really brave of these people do piercing on her head was fantastic and interesting, and if you want to emulate these styles please see my blog and make sure you visit my blog every day because I will show examples of piercing which is fantastic for the copy ok ...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Dragon Tattoos - Bringing to Life the Dragon
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Dragons have been forged into an art that has flourished into thousands of dragon tattoo designs. They have appeared on the arms of men and has embellished the backs of many as a full cover tattoo. Women has also fancied the dragon tattoos as well, tattooing their bodies with tribal dragons, fantasy and cute dragon tattoos, like those depicted in fairy-tales. The symbol of the mighty and powerful beast has been a part of the tattooing designs for decades and it still continues today.
Dragons are mythical creatures of past folklore and legends. They have had a part in stories of fairy-tales, movies and books throughout our history. The myth of dragons believed they once roamed this vast world and many legends can be discovered throughout many cultures. Each culture having their own knowledge about them and are commonly known as being fierce, powerful and mighty. But dragons can also be revered as being respectable and that of good nature. As with some cultures, they are regarded as being a symbolic representation for good luck and good fortune.
Because of the widespread of dragon fables and the symbolic representation that they carry, numerous people have decided to get tattoos of dragons. In many civilizations dragon tattoos have been a part of their body-art designs for ages. Adorning their skin with the mighty image of a dragon, the dragon tattoos have grown in popularity very much in the same fashion the legends have spread.
The designs are very popular among men but women are just as fascinated and captivated by the designs just as much. The dragon designs are overwhelming and have many styles and ways of being interpreted onto the skin. Tattoo designs of fantasy dragons, Japanese, Chinese, Celtic and many others have bought to life, this magnificent creature of our past. Many people have tattooed the image for the symbolic meanings behind them and some, for its pure majestic looks.
Dragon tattoo designs have become so popular it is sometimes considered as the first tattoo to get by most men. The tattoo of dragons seem to have a positive and negative side to them. They can be symbolize as strength and power and at the same time be considered mischievous and destructive. Regardless dragon tattoos are a favorite design many people choose to consider.
Aksi Unik Huang Xianfu yang Mengerikan
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Being Careful With Dragon Tattoo Designs
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As with anything that will last forever, you should be cautious when you pick it out. This is especially true for dragon tattoo designs. First time tattooers may not realize the complications they will face if they do not think about their tattoo well enough ahead of time. Draw it out yourself on the part of skin you are thinking of designing. Use pen or marker so it will last a few days. If you do not get sick of it then that is the first step.
The colors of the dragon design should also be carefully selected. If you get lighter colors, they will fade and blend in with your skin tone. This can ruin a dragon tattoo if it is not regularly freshened up with new ink. If you opt to get your whites, pinks, and yellows redone every six months or so, you can find yourself with a hefty maintenance bill. Darker colors fade, too, but they will show up better for far longer.
Do not rush into tattoos. Give thought to how they affect your future. If you aspire to do office or business work, will you have a tougher time succeeding due to a visible dragon tattoo? Often business courses instruct pupils never to have any tattoos showing. This is because there is a social stigma on people with tattoos. They may not be hired due to that, even if they are perfectly qualified.
What about other occasions? Do you have any events that will require you to dress up, say, for a wedding? Would a dragon tattoo mar how you want to look that day? Does your fairy tale wedding dress include a dragon tattoo showing on your arm? If you do not think it would bother you, then you can start looking for a place to get the work done.
Make sure when you consult the artist he or she gives you a price--preferably in writing. Some jobs can take hours. Artists who take longer get paid more. Get your price up front before you are under the needle and find your dragon tattoo design only half finished when you have exceeded your price range.
Pick a place that has excellent reviews and a good sanitary record. Ask around and do your research. You will find a big division between good places and bad. Look at examples of the artist's work. Perhaps you will not like his or her style of dragon tattoo designs.
Tato-tato yang Unik dan Aneh
Friday, October 8, 2010
Chinese And Tribal Tattoos
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Tattoos have served as rites of passage, marks of status and rank, symbols of religious and spiritual devotion and many other purposes over the years. They have become more popular in many parts of the world, particularly in North America, Japan, and Europe. They have had a rich and colourful history in western world for the better part of two hundred years. And this is shown by the increasing number of historical figures and modern day celebrities who have or currently have body art.
Enthusiasts may refer to them as "tats," "ink," "art," or "work," and to tattooists as "artists. Body Art or Tattoos as it is called today is not a new concept but an age old concept which is thought to be continuing since 12,000 years ago. Ancient cultures from around the globe used them. Tattooing in Japan is thought to go back to the Paleolithic era, some ten thousand years ago. American Indians used tats to help them in battle.
Tribal tattoos might be the most popular form in the world right now. Tribal tattoos are instantly recognizable with their dramatic use of aggressive dark lines in jagged symmetrical shapes spread throughout the skin. They are most often done in simple black and skin tones but they can also have color added to brighten the overall look. They can include Maori designs, Eskimo totems and Aztec sun clocks and so on. Tribal tattoos are an age old practice that is performed today and holds different meanings for different tribes. Tribal designs can be designed in multiple shapes for what ever you want.
Chinese Tattoos took hold quickly in the western world, mainly due to the illusiveness of the symbols & language. Chinese Characters should be professionally translated so they are authentic. Chinese tats that include authentic characters and symbols can form the basis of beautiful designs which can carry a deep and personal meaning. These are a clever way to express your message as not many people can read the symbols. Chinese symbols are great conversation pieces that allow you to express yourself in an interesting way. They have been used by people to show certain aspects of their personality. They have a sort of attraction and is liked by many people due to how they look because they are very unique and personal.
Getting a tattoo can take several hours to just minutes depending on the size and design chosen. Getting it can hurt, but the level of pain will vary and after some time you will get used to it...this is a big deal, especially because they're designed to be permanent. Getting one is something that should not be taken lightly. Getting one is more than browsing through flash books you should do a little research so you get exactly what you wanted.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Dragon Art Tattoos - Find the Best Dragon Designs
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Dragon art tattoos are some wonderfully powerful tattoos to have. There are hundreds of ways to represent a dragon as a tattoo. You should have no problem finding a design that is unique to you. If you use your imagination and are looking for designs in the right place, you will be very happy with your choices. I will tell you the right place to look for great designs.
Dragons are mythical creatures that have been around for ages. There are two distinct types of dragon art tattoos, Eastern and Western. The Eastern dragon is portrayed as evil and a destroyer. The Western dragon is portrayed as a guardian. Both types symbolize power and freedom. With the different types come different artistic representations. The Asian dragon is graceful, smooth and intelligent. The Chinese dragon is portrayed as a long serpent usually without wings. Designs for Eastern dragon art tattoos accentuate the talons, fangs and fire.
You can spend hours looking online trying to find good dragon art tattoos. If you're not careful many of the sites you go to will have sub standard designs that can't be used as tattoo flash. Going to the right online gallery is key in finding what you are looking for. Your time should be spent looking at high quality designs and coming up with your perfect dragon art tattoo.
A good online tattoo gallery will have actual pictures of completed dragon art tattoos that you can look at to get an idea of what the tattoo looks like on a real body. You can pick parts of different designs that you like and come up with a unique tattoo for yourself. A membership tattoo gallery will allow you unlimited downloads for a small fee - usually less than the cost of two downloads from other sites. This way you can print off as many dragon art tattoo designs as you like and work them together. It's your tattoo, you have to get one that you will be happy with forever.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Dragon Art Tattoos
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Tattoos started getting popular from the sailors that would get tattoos representing the foreign lands they had been stationed in. Wearing a dragon tattoo meant that the sailor had served in Japan or China. Sailors today are still getting tattoos and wear them proudly.
One reason the dragon tattoo is so popular is because it's long winding shape can go on practically any part of the body. You can cover your whole back with this tattoo or have it snaking and winding around your arm.
There are many different types of dragons that can be used. The Japanese have always used dragons in their art and literature so there are many designs to choose from. The most popular is the full back dragon tattoo where you have plenty of room to make it truly spectacular. The Asian dragons are usually viewed as powerful and empowered with wisdom, making these dragons very popular.
The Celtic design tattoos are also very popular with their intricate knots. The Celtic heart is often chosen for it's beauty and design.
On a man the dragon tattoos represent power, strength, and warrior skills. It can define his personality. Although you can also have a mystical, magical dragon design that makes the man more approachable.
On a woman the dragon tattoo usually represents strength and a hotly passionate nature, ready to protect her family against all dangers. Some women would be intimated by wearing a dragon tattoo and would worry about what people would think. The dragon tattoo on a woman shows she is not afraid of criticism and can stand up for herself and for those in her care.
If you want to create an aura of strength and fantasy, get a dragon art tattoo. Some people fear them and are nervous of the superstitions surrounding them, but they have to respect them.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cross Tattoos
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There are many different tattoo designs around, and for every design you can think of there are probably many different forms of that particular design. We see this with dragon tattoos, people don't just have a dragon tattoo, they want the dragon tattooed in a particular way and each way has a different symbolic meaning - it is no different with the cross. The cross is probably one of the most recognized religious symbols in the world because of its association with Christianity. However, there are many different designs in cross tattoos and it helps to be able to tell one from another and to recognize just what the particular significance of each particular cross might be. The cross is actually a very ancient symbol that predates Christianity and was used by the Aztecs and by various pagan traditions.
The cross is one of the most frequently requested tattoo designs it is even more popular than the seemingly ubiquitous swallows and anchors. It can be quite confusing when there are so many different designs to choose from, and if, as we have already said, tattoos have particular personal significance, we want to be sure that the design is saying what we want it to. Nowadays many young Christians choose to have a Christian cross tattoo - these might be with or without the body of Jesus. Some Christian cross tattoos will depict the Sacred Heart along with the Cross, or with a crown of thorns. If the body of Christ is nailed to the cross this is often referred to as the Latin cross.
Gothic cross designs may not be specifically Christian as they often include some form of dark imagery. They may have some barbed wire around the middle of the cross or the cross may also be intertwined with a dagger. The Gothic cross is usually heavily ornamental with beveled edges and it symbolizes pain and anger rather than a message of hope.
The Egyptian cross or ankh is often known as the key of life it is a cross with a circular shape at the top. Tribal crosses often have flowing lines and very distinctive outlines. Then there is the Celtic cross which is gaining in popularity today and has a long history attached to it. Again the Celtic cross is usually intricately designed with loops and knot work wrapped around the area where the two parts meet. The loops are meant to symbolize the never ending circle of life and the knots symbolize the link between the physical and the spiritual world. One of the reasons this particular design may have become so popular is because there is a renewed interest in Celtic Christianity. The ancient Celts saw little difference between the natural world and the supernatural and there were prayers for everyday acts such as lighting the fire or making the bed.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Body Art Galleries
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Getting tattoos has become extremely popular these days. North America alone has over 45 million people that have at least one tattoo. Because of the increasing popularity of tattoos, body art galleries have also become extremely popular. These galleries display all sorts of tattoo designs from ancient to modern, to show the work that is placed on skin. Galleries also show the history of tattooing and the different tribes that have used them in other cultures.
Some tattoo galleries are also called photo galleries as they display some of the work done on Hollywood celebrities such as Christina Ricci and Thomas Lockhart. These galleries not only display the work but will showcase certain tattoo artists that are particularly fine at their craft. Along with that, the gallery may also showcase some of the photographers that have taken these pictures for their unique interpretations of tattoos and the culture from which they come. Some photographers focus on the person who is wearing the tattoo and others focus on just the tattoo. The settings for these photographs are also extremely unique and play a big part in the picture. Some photographers decide to have an extreme, unusual setting for their setting while others decide to go with traditional settings.
The tattoos that are done today are far different from those portrayed in body art galleries. Today people choose to have designs that are special to them or are very modern and they don't compare to those tattoos found in the jungle or ancient civilizations of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.
Body art galleries are fascinating places to visit. Although some still feature modern designs, most try to give an understanding of different tattoos and where they came from. These galleries really try to focus on the true art of the tattoo industry.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Best Tattoos For Girls
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Here are the best tattoos for girls:
Cute. Cute tattoos include everything from girly designs like flowers to feminine styles like butterfly tattoos. Cute tats are the most common design that girls get.
Sexy. Sexy tattoos involve not just design, but also placement of the design. For instance a foot tattoo can be very sexy. Belly tattoos and low back tattoo designs have also been considered very sexy.
Girl Power. Tattoos displaying strength of woman are some of the best tattoos for girls. Dragon tattoos for instance are very powerful and signify strength, while at the same time being very intricate and beautiful.
Beautiful Designs. As mentioned, the dragon tattoo can be both beautiful and dangerous looking. Some very beautiful designs are also mural style designs. Flowers, vines, and vibrant coloring makes for very beautiful ink.
Simple and Small. Some of the best tattoos for girls are small designs. Girls can get away with going very small for their tattoo, where as a small tattoo on a guy can look weak and silly. But a small design can ber very cute and sexy for girls.
Old School Designs. Some old school tattoos can actually work great for girls. Especially old school pinup girl designs! Look at some of the ink that the Suicide Girls have for examples of old school designs that work well for women.
Girlfriend Tattoos. Girls tend to put real meaning behind their ink. Many girlfriends will get together and choose the same or similiar tattoos to get as a symbol of strong and special friendship. Tiny star tattoos work great for this. Each girl will pick a colored star, then all the girls will get their girlfrineds tiny star tattooed on them!
Piercing On Head and Ear 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Heart Tattoos - A Classic Design For Both Male and Female
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Tattoos are considered as expressions of feelings and emotions, thus one of the most famous designs that have been around for generations is the heart tattoo. There are various heart illustrations that dominated the tattoo world since time immemorial. These designs are both appealing to the male and female tattoo lovers.
Some heart designs would bear the name of a loved one in the middle. This manifests the deep appreciation for the person and would like to keep a lasting remembrance of the person. Red is the color that highlights the image. So there are contrasting shades of red that would create the effect of depth and realness to the final effect. There are those also that do not bear any text or word images instead there are chains of thorny wires drawn around the heart. This illustration is similar to a Romeo and Juliet theme to where there is tragedy involved. It may also signify a captive heart that would mean that the person having this kind of design is already committed to someone or something. A bleeding heart is also one of the many heart designs. The way they usually present this is quite literal. There is a heart drawn with a spill of blood on it. This is quite interesting yet bizarre to look at.
Other noted heart designs are the simple heart shape that is one dimensional. It may appear as a funky and trendy style that is appealing to the younger generation. A chain of small flowers to form a heart-shaped image is also desired by female teens. These small flowers can also be replaced by letters to form the name of a person yet taking the form of a heart.
Heart designs are truly one classic style. Depending on the concept, it can appeal to both gender of any generation. The look does not fade as years go by; instead it still is a trendy design. Since it is mostly related to amorous feelings, the common names that are placed near the drawings are those of their loved ones. It serves as a lasting reminder of their sentiments to a person.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
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I know the film has been out for over a year and the DVD for a while but I only got to watch 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' - whose original and more potent title was 'Men Who Hate Women' (a far more appropriate title given the nature of the book) - the other day. Having read the Millennium Trilogy (this is part one) by Stieg Larsson last year I was always looking forward to the film versions of the books. They're made for film whether on the big or small screen (infact, I believe this film was originally a two part television film re-edited into a big screen version) as they're over the top, with plenty of puzzle solving, plot twists, melodrama, violence and filled with well drawn characters engaged in a plot that moves forward at a relentless pace. Underlying the books is of course a number of serious subjects including racism, patriarchal misogyny, sexual violence and globalization - a reminder that all is not well in social democratic Sweden, a country we often view as enlightened and liberal, a country unlike our own.
So, for those of you who haven't read the books I'm afraid you'll have to go elsewhere for a synopsis. Suffice to say that the trilogy makes for great holiday reading and if like me you're prone to reading thrillers late at night be warned; this book and its companions are pages turners and the chances of you getting much sleep are minimal.
So to the film, let me begin by saying that I'm glad I saw the Swedish version first. David Fincher is directing the Hollywood version next year with Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara (Tanner Hall, Dare, The Winning Season, The Social Network) in the lead roles and although I'm looking forward to seeing how they approach it I can't see quite how they're going to capture the psychological atmosphere of Sweden well as their Swedish counterparts.
I think there's an inherent problem with all films adapted from a book written by someone from another culture. To visually express the tonal qualities, nuances and spirit of another culture through film is extremely difficult. This is made all the more harder when you're trying to condense and stay true to a book that has a packed narrative - and enough plotlines to make a number of films - running to over 500 pages. I have no doubt that David Fincher - a Director I very much admire - will do a great job with the pulp aspect of the 'Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' and its partner books in the trilogy. However, underneath the surface of the books lie important questions about Swedish society. These ugly truths, the sub text, are far more difficult to thread into the film - as they need to be given space to breathe and tell their own story - and are best approached through tone, rhythm, colour, atmosphere and a Swedish cultural sensibility. It is this aspect of the film that I fear will be lost in translation. So America taking on plot and character, yes definitely, dealing with the dark undercurrent that runs throughout the book and the rest of the trilogy, namely the societal issues that preoccupy many Swedish crime writers including; Henning Mankell, Hakan Nesser, Mari Jungstedt and of course Stieg Larsson, I don't think so.
Now let's talk about the film itself. It is not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but it's a good thriller, its star definitely Noomi Rapace - an incredible performance - as the androgynous, bisexual, computer-hacking twenty-something, Lisbeth Salander. She is a cool chick and uber - nerd, the perfect anti - heroine for the 21st century. She's odd, disturbed, intelligent, highly moral (in her own way), utterly uncompromising, violent, full of righteous anger and dispassionate - a fascinating character and wholly engaging. To be honest I can't see anyone matching her. She's going to be a real hard act to follow. Apparently she got the part after the producer saw her in a Sarah Kane play in Stockholm. If you know the work of Sarah Kane then it might give you some idea of the difficulty and depth of character one would need to have to play the part convincingly.
The other lead character, Mikael Blomkvist played by Mchael Nyqvist, plays his part well as the investigative journalist, the locations are beautiful and bleak, the Director, Niels Arden Opley does a good job of keeping the various plot threads (and there are many) together and the cinematography has a consistent wintery and atmospheric feeling to it.
So, if you haven't read the books and enjoy a fast paced thriller involving complicated relationships (something the film actually leaves out), great characters, violent set pieces and a cracking yarn then buy them, read them, enjoy them. If you want to be entertained any night of the week then you won't go wrong by renting this film out from your local video shop. No, it's not a great film but it's a good Friday night flick to be watched with munchies. I for one am looking forward to the next two films in the series; 'The Girl Who Played With Fire' and The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest' and am particularly looking forward to watching Noomi Rapace play Lisbeth Salander again. As for the David Fincher version with Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara, It'll make for interesting comparisons.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Male Tattoo Pictures - A Great Way to Find Tattoo Design Ideas
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Thinking about getting an artwork tattooed on a specific part of your body? One of the most common designs among male tattoos is a fire dragon. Girls rarely sport dragon tattoos, but they are quite popular among men. Dragons symbolize power and heroism. The strongest dragon is the fire dragon. You can have a fire dragon portrayed on your full sleeve, along with fire coming out from its mouths and nostrils.
If dragon tattoo pictures are too common for your taste, why not go for tiger tattoo pictures? Tigers may be a little smaller in size than dragons, but they equally symbolize power, ferocity and speed.
Another wonderful idea is Celtic designs. Celts were always associated with its brave warriors. King Arthur was a very famous Celtic, do you know? Celt warriors, nobles and knights were well known in history for their courage and strength.
If you're stuck for ideas, make the World Wide Web your best friend. The internet is a great way to find great ideas for male tattoo pictures! You can search for tattoo pictures of your favorite image (such as a skull or dragon). Or, you can look for tattoos of your favorite male celebrity or star and have it copied!
Another creative source for tattoo pictures is a tattoo artwork gallery. There are plenty of galleries with decent artwork! Do not settle for boring and generic designs, as many men opt to when they're too lazy or they give up easily. Do not settle with generic junk, or you will truly regret about it later.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Vine Foot Tattoos
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A friend of mine just recently got a tattoo of a vine on his foot. He had told me that it was by far the most painful tattoo of his life. I decided to do a little research on why this is.
For starters, the foot is a very sensitive part of the body. There are over 100 different bones in the foot. With very little flesh (except for the bottom) it is no wonder that getting a tattoo on the foot can hurt a bit.
As my friend was getting the tattoo, he mentioned that he was grasping his fists hard throughout the procedure. He was happy when it was finally finished. His entire foot including the toes went numb and after the next day, his toes started swelling. This is considered a normal reaction but must be watched and monitored.
It took about one week for the initial pain to subside and he told me that getting a foot tattoo was an experience never to be forgotten. However, today, he is happy he went through with this because it is one of the coolest vine tattoos he has ever seen.
When getting a tattoo anywhere on the body, please keep these important reminders in mind:
* Always do your research and go to a certified trusted tattoo artist.
* Make sure to tell the artist if you are taking any medications that may interfere with the ink.
* If nervous at first, ask the artist to test a small area to get a quick feel for what you are about to experience in case you change your mind.
* If you chicken out, its ok. There are plenty of cool temporary vine tattoos you can get that look very close to being real. People who have received tattoos all over the body have experienced different reactions. Some will say that this particular area is a little more painful than the other. I would recommend to ask around. Go to some foot tattoo forums or web sites and get some feedback if you are uncertain.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tattoo Designs and Ideas For Dragon Tattoos
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Dragon tattoos are popular with men because they symbolize strength and power. However, it should be noted that dragon tattoo designs are favored by women as well. This is a mythical and interesting creature that has a great potential for a beautiful tattoo piece. They can be seen inked on the arm, chest, back, rib cage and calf area. They can be the focal point for a stunning full back tattoo design or they can be the star of a full sleeve tattoo design.
Dragon tattoos come in different themes and styles. There are tribal dragon tattoos which are usually inked in black color, the Chinese dragon which is usually seen as a sign of fortune and the fire-breathing Western dragon. There is also the koi dragon which according to Japanese tradition started out as a koi fish and then convert into dragon after successfully climbing the falls at a point called Yellow River. The viking dragon, on the other hand, is originally from the norse mythology and is generally seen as evil.
The dragon is seen as a powerful mythical creature which possesses the wings of a bird and the scale of a fish or snake. In the Western world, it breathes fire and guard treasures in the castle. In the Eastern world, it is seen as helpful and kind and symbol of fortune and wisdom. In early Christianity, it is seen as a creature of ill-omen who brings destructiveness and complete chaos.
Though dragon differs in how they are perceived, it is still no doubt a great image for body art. It can be portrayed in amazing colors and it can be tattooed in intricate details. Inking it on one's body and putting it to life on the skin can be a delight for a tattoo artist's creative expression.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tribal Wings Tattoos - Tips on Your New Tattoo!
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You have decided that you want a tribal wings tattoo but you aren't necessarily sure how to start your research. This type of tattoo has become quite popular with tribal tattoo lovers. But before you head down to your local tattoo parlor and drop your hard earned money, you may want to do some research first. The truth is this research can mean the difference between a great tattoo that you're happy with or a disappointing tattoo. Would you like to know more?
My biggest concern is that I don't want you to do what everyone else does and that is start your research for artwork by using Google images. Google images isn't a bad place for ideas, but because everyone uses this method you run the risk of duplicating someone else's tattoo. And I am sure that isn't what you want.
The best piece of advice I can give you is to invest in a paid tattoo site. A paid tattoo site gives use so many resources before you get your tattoo. You will gain access to artists that specialize in tribal tattoo artwork. You can work with one of these artists to come up with something unique for your new ink. You also gain access to a huge community of tattoo enthusiasts that will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have. These paid tattoo sites also have reviews of local tattoo parlors so you can find the right parlor for your new tribal tattoo.
I'm sure that you can see that doing some research before you get your new ink can help you make a better decision. Good luck on getting your new tribal wings tattoo!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Piercing on Face
Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos - Where to Find the Best Tribal Designs
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Black tribal dragon tattoos make a bold statement. A dragon tattoo alone can be very forceful. Combine that with tribal influences in black and you have the making of a much talked about tattoo. A black dragon tattoo expresses something entirely different than a colored dragon. Everything can depend on the design that you choose and you can find great designs online. I'll tell you how.
Are you thinking about a large tattoo? Black tribal dragon tattoos will make a great tattoo going down an arm or along the shoulders. Because of the detail of the dragon design and adding the tribal influences, a large tattoo would be good because you would be able to see all the details. How will you decide on the type of tattoo?
An online tattoo gallery is where you need to go. As you're browsing through thousands of designs you can get some idea of where you want to place the tattoo as well as the type of designs you want to incorporate. This is your tattoo on your body. Use your imagination and come up with a unique tattoo design. The best thing to do is to print out several designs that you like and put the best pieces together like a puzzle and come up with your unique tattoo.
Take your time. Don't rush with something as important as a tattoo that will be with you for life. Black tribal dragon tattoos are a good choice. Find a design that will make a statement. Use an online gallery to design your own tattoo and show some of your personality through the tattoo.
Exist And Extreme Body Piercing For Men's And Woman In Europe And USA
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Dragon Tattoo Art - Finding Printable Designs For Your Dragon Tattoos
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Dragon tattoo art has been one of the most sought after designs especially among male tat enthusiasts. The creature, although mythical and non-existent has strong symbolism attached to it, not to mention the artistic appeal it has when inked on one's body.
Dragon tattoos can represent two different meanings depending on how they are portrayed. In the West, they are regarded as an evil and mean winged creature who breathes fire and guards caves with golds and jewels. Those who want to get these treasures have to slay the dragon first. In this case, dragon tattoos can mean fearless, power, courage and strong will.
The other symbolism of dragon tattoo art is good luck, fortune and wisdom as how they are look upon in the East. In China, they are the main symbol during the celebration of Chinese New Year as they are believed to bring prosperity, benevolence and good will. As a tattoo design, they can mean intelligence, protection, balance and harmony.
Dragon tattoo designs are very adaptable and flexible body art and looks great on large areas of the body such as the arm, rib cage, chest, back and shoulder blade. They can be seen inked in colors such as red and green while others opt for the plain black ink with some tribal touch. They can be portrayed as terrifying or monster-like, charming and kind and even small and innocent. It all depends on what kind of message the person sporting the tattoo wants to portray.
When it comes to resources for design of dragon tattoo art, its always best to do your research first before purchasing one. Read reviews online of the tattoo gallery membership being promoted and see which one best suit your need.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Meaning Behind a Celtic Knot Tattoo
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A Celtic knot tattoo is one of the most recognized body art. Its origins lay in the ancient history of the Celtic people and even if you are not affiliated with any clan, you may want to mark your body with such a notorious and beautiful tattoo.
First Appearances
The Celtic knot tattoo made its first appearance circa 450 AD. Because the Celts were not ones to have a written record, the meaning behind a Celtic knot tattoo is pretty vague. They have been a constant throughout history and many have tried to infer some basic significance regarding the design.
These tattoo's can be referred to as an endless knot or the mystical knot. This points to its meaning in a spiritual or esoteric sense as it can symbolize endings or beginnings. The tattoo is so appealing to us because it reminds us of our primordial self and our quest to understand the cycles of life in both the otherworldly realms and our physical self.
It is Not Just About the Mystical
Those that sport a this type of design tattoo don't always assign a spiritual meaning to it. It can also refer to a life cycle that is never interrupted. It can also be used as a magical charm to ward off setbacks, sickness or anything else that can interfere with a happy and peaceful life. Celtic knots are not just found in body art, but in jewelry, home décor and clothing as well.
In the past, when a person received a gift that was adorned with a Celtic knot, it meant that the gift giver was wishing the recipient a life of luck, longevity, and prosperity in any endeavor they may follow.
The Celtic Trinity Knot
The Celtic trinity knot is often referred to as the Triquetra. From the Latin, Triquetra means three cornered and is one of the most common of the Celtic tattoos. There are many interpretations when it comes to this ancient knot and not all agree on its true meaning.
The one thing all agree on is that it is based on a culmination of 3 parts. For Christians this often refers to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost or Spirit. For those with a more Wiccan or pagan persuasion it can stand for three of the powers of the feminine; the Maiden, the Crone and the Mother. New age thinkers can assign it to mean spirit, body and mind.
All of these varied interpretations show us that the meaning of the Celtic knot tattoo is not something that is set solidly in stone. Without a written history, it leaves plenty of room for personal interpretations.
If you are seeking to ink a Celtic knot tattoo on your body, there are many meanings you may assign to this magical symbol for what is most important in your life and in your personal beliefs. No matter how you look at it, this tattoo is one that will be forever treasured and never regretted.